Neuromuscular Pharmacology
A computer simulation of experiments which may be performed on cat sciatic nerve-tibialis anterior muscle in vivo to teach the essentials of neuromuscular pharmacology.
An interactive, menu driven and easy to use program which simulates experiments performed on the sciatic nerve-anterior tibialis muscle preparation of the cat (in vivo) to illustrate the important differences in the pharmacological action of depolarizing and non-depolarizing blocking agents.
An on-screen student handbook covers:
The Experiments Section presents high-resolution graphic simulations of experimental results (muscle contractions), in accelerated time, on a scrolling display to simulate a chart recorder.
Phase I experiments - each experiment compares the action of the two types of neuromuscular blocking agent using d-tubocurarine as an example of a non-depolarizing blocker and decamethonium as an example of a depolarizing blocker.
Phase II experiments
Student Activities
Each experiment has an associated student activity designed to assess understanding of the experimental results. These might be a series of true/false statements or a table to complete.There are also some suggested questions which would form the basis of a report of the experiment.